2013年1月25日 星期五


最近的工作內容接觸到一些生產線的分析,不過目前看起來用靜態分析方式會有蠻大的落差. 使用自動化模擬軟體可能是比較完整的解決方案。

Enterprise Dynamics,Flexsim,AutoMod,Arena,WITNESS

不過依照本人愛好自由軟體的精神,也找了一套Open Source的相關軟體,目前是德國漢堡大學在維護的.

DESMO-J is an object-oriented framework targeted at programmers developing simulation models. The acronym "DESMO-J" stands for "Discrete-Event Simulation and Modelling in Java". This longer name highlights DESMO-J's two significant properties:

DESMO-J supports the discrete-event simulation paradigm. In models of this type, all system state changes are supposed to happen at discrete points in time. Between such events the system state is assumed to remain constant. Discrete-event simulation is therefore particularly suitable for systems in which relevant changes of state occur suddenly and irregularly, like queueing networks for example.
DESMO-J is implemented in Java. Using this framework to build simulation models ultimately results in writing a Java program.

還有另一套用GPL 授權的 JSL(Java Simulation Library)  https://bitbucket.org/rossetti/jsl/overview

不過簡單的分析可以透過用程式語言的分散式架構配合多執行緒直接Coding, 目前在想有必要作到這個程度嗎...
